Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Saint Fancis Of Assisi :: essays research papers

Saint Fancis of Assisi Saint Francis was born in 1182, inAssisi Italy. His real name is Giovanni FrancescoBernardone, but his capture wanted him to be called Francis.He received very little education as a child, even though hisfather was a rich merchant. His father, Pietro di Bernardone,was a wealthy merchant, and his mothers name was Pica.Francis always dreamed about riding through the town as ahero. His father wanted Francis to learn about beingness a silkmerchant, but Francis wasnt interested. Later, the city helived in, Assissi, got into a battle with a neighboring city ofPerugia, and Francis fought in the battle. He bought fancyhorses, swords, and clothes to impress others. He wascaptured and put in jail for 1 year, and during this time hecame down with a severe illness. After he was released fromprison he decided to smorgasbord his life. Francis visited humanityyplaces, but lived in Assisi Italy. He had also lived in Mt.Subasio in 1208. There, during mass, he heard a voice saying to him three times to go out into the world and toposses nothing and do good everywhere. He then went tothe holy Land, but on his way his ship was wrecked so hehad to return back to Assisi. Then he went to Egypt were hewanted to convert the Sultan but had no success. He againtried to go to the Holy Land and this time succeeded. Helived there until 1220. During this time 5 other Franciscanbrothers were martyred. Francis too was willing to die forhis faith, but was spared. He returned to Assisi. St. Francishad many accomplishments in his life. He began his religiouslife after he survived his illness. He lived as a Hermit, andattracted followers. After that, he visited hospitals and gaveclothes to the ill. Sometimes he gave the homeless cashand food. One time when he was walking back from prison,an old beggar came up to him. The beggar asked Francis fora cloak. Francis thought for a while, he knew he had othercloak at home, but then he wondered if the old man wastrying to tri ck him. Francis decided to give the man his cloakand they traded cloaks. Francis said to the man that mine iswarmer than the one you have and I am not cold at allAnother act of kindness was when Francis was going to be aknight. His father got the best craftsman in Assisi to makehim an outfit, such as armor, a cape, and weapons.

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